Wednesday 2 March 2016

Tips on Caring for Your Cargo Carriers


A lot is riding on your cargo carriers, and if you use your truck frequently, they may need checking, cleaning and repair from time to time. The kind of maintenance you give your cargo carriers depends on the kind of material they are made from and how old they are. It is important to check the carriers periodically for:

  • Cleaning
  • Polishing
  • Repair

The harsher the weather conditions your truck has endured and the more often you travel in your truck the more often you will need to maintain your cargo carriers.

1.       Cleaning

Removing grime and dust from cargo carriers can be pretty straightforward, and usually involves simply applying a detergent-soaked cloth on a surface and doing a bit of scrubbing. For more stubborn debris, such as dried bird droppings, a bit of window cleaner should do the trick.

2.       Polishing

If your cargo carriers are made of stainless steel or chrome, you may want to polish or wax your cargo carriers to bring out the shine. In addition, some weatherproofing material to prevent rusting can also be applied

3.       Repair

During cleaning, check to see if there are scratches that need to be repaired and if the damage is serious, decide whether you need a replacement cargo carrier. For more information about cargo carriers in Murrieta, click through this website.

The benefits of a Truck Bar for Your Little Ones


It may be time for a family outing, and you need to ensure that the trip and vacation is safe and fun for all. When it comes to accommodating a family in a truck, details make the difference. There are various kinds of truck bars you need that are going to make to make your outing safer and more fun for your little ones and everyone. Truck bars that you may want to consider adding to your vehicle are beneficial for your little ones because they:

  • Promote confidence
  • Improve security
  • Make traveling Easier

1.       Confidence

Every child likes to feel that he or she can do things by themselves. A step bar lets your child get into and out of the truck without the help of Mom or Dad. You may hear your child say, “I can do it by myself.”

2.       Safety

A step bar makes getting into and out of a truck safer for children and the elderly. A small slip on a steep truck can cause injury, and a step bar prevents this.

3.       Making Traveling Easier

When you have heavy items to take care of, it may be difficult to lift children in and out of a truck. The step bar makes traveling easier for you and your children. For more information about truck step bars in Clairemont Mesa, Click through this site.

Associations Urge Government to Protect Consumer Choice With Vehicle Technology

The Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) and the Motor & Equipment Remanufacturers Association (MERA) are asking the U.S. Copyright Office to protect more

How a Truck Grille Helps Protect Your Truck


The truck grill is recognizable at the front of the truck. Some are for aesthetics while others can provide serious protection against:

  • Rocks
  • Shrubs
  • Animals such as deer
  • Collisions with other vehicles

You might not know whether the grill you currently have will provide the protection you need or whether it is decoration. One way of telling is if it is made of a durable material like steel and if it is bolted on rather than screwed on. The grill on your truck can provide you with various kinds of protection.

1.       Scratches

While scratches don’t sound as threatening as a full-on collision, shrubs and trees can make scratches on the surface of your car which are hard to repair. Look for a brush grill that will sweep trees out of your way. Also, ensure the grill is durable enough to deal with rocks
2.       Animals Such as Deer

Deer may be beautiful animals, but they have been known to wreck cars and cause injury. A heavy nerf bar or durable grill at the front of your truck will prevent the deer from making hard impact on your vehicle.

3.       Collisions

If you have a sturdy bar, it is less likely a collision will cause serious damage or injuries.  For more information on truck grills in San Diego, click through this site.

4 Kinds of Truck Grilles


A truck grille is placed on the front of a truck and it reinforces the bumper to protect the vehicle against debris and collisions. There are many ways of fastening on a grille and it can be made of a variety of materials. Some drivers approach the grille with aesthetic considerations whereas for others, protection is the top priority.  Four types of truck grilles include:
  • Billet
  • Stainless Steel
  • Aluminum
  • ABS Plastic

1.       Billet
Billet grilles are made from a bar of aircraft-grade aluminum, which is a lightweight yet durable material and is resistant to rust.

2.       Stainless Steel
A steel grille is slightly heavier in weight, and is durable and attractive. It is associated with high-end grilles and steel is often chosen for its attractive sheen and valued for long-life.

3.       Aluminum
An aluminum grille is lighter weight than steel, but is less durable. It is attractive, resists rust, and is less expensive than billet and steel grilles.

4.       ABS Plastic
An ABS plastic grille is mainly for decorative purposes and is often covered with metallic paint to blend in with the rest of the vehicle. It often displays the brand of the vehicle prominently, and its function is mainly aesthetic. For more information about truck grilles in Murrieta, click through this website.

Best Truck Bed Liner Ever


For a convenient spray-on truck bed liner, Rhino Linings offers one of the best. Consumers have written rave reviews about this easy option for protecting the back of your truck against the elements. It’s like a suit of armor and a raincoat combined!